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Drawing Board: Anfield bows to the Vikings

Finn’s latest: Real Madrid made Liverpool submit

Welcome to our drawing board, where our resident cartoonist, Finn, will sling out some dope and exclusive art for you — usually on the back of a big moment that’s captured our attention in the Real Madrid world. Here’s Finn’s latest drawing, and if you ever want to look back at Finn’s previous (and amazing) work, just check out our Drawing Board page.

Real Madrid continued fuelling their legacy of being the Kings of Europe and building the infinitely unfolding story that no matter what the odds are, no matter how many goals they’re behind, no matter how hostile the atmosphere and no matter how pinned they are against the ropes — they can still find a way.

Down 2 - 0 vs Liverpool and with Anfield exploding, Carlo Ancelotti’s men did it again, coming back to win 2 - 5.

In today’s drawing, Finn depicts his take on Real Madrid’s comeback against all odds:

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